Friday, October 29, 2010

Participatory harm reduction action!

HRV encourages you to get involved in fighting for social justice for people on the streets of Victoria by participating in 2 actions...

1. Red Tent March
A Red Tent ( rally and march is being organized for Monday, Nov 1 at noon starting on Pandora Green to draw attention to the grave need for housing. Food-Not-Bombs will provide food and everyone is asked to wear red. Organizers are still looking for sticks for picket signs and volunteers to leaflet and make signs. Please contact Kevin if you can help out, and please send this far and wide!! Kevin-

2. Letters to City Hall

Last Wednesday, a man sleeping in a Victoria park was brutalized by 2 City of Victoria bylaw officers (see article below). Apparently this man was beaten very badly and suffered injuries to his head and neck. People living on the streets of Victoria suffer from stigma and discrimination as a result of their experiences of homelessness, poverty, impacts of trauma, mental illness and drug use. This stigma and discrimination is a form of violence and this violence continues to be systematically built in to our City bylaws, such as the recent amendment to the Streets and Traffic bylaw prohibiting 'camping' on medians and boulevards. Now, 2 bylaw officers have been caught for their physically violent attack on someone sleeping in a City park. HRV will be sending a letter to City Hall to demand justice and a full inquiry into this horrendous violence perpetrated by City employees. We encourage you to do the same, and send this message far and wide. Letters may be sent to Councillor Philippe Lucas, who has also expressed his outrage about this situation. Please send letters to

Monday, October 25, 2010

Refresh Everything Vote

Follow the link, and vote for a storage space for the belongings of people who are homeless in Vancouver.