Sunday, January 24, 2010


There was a great turn out at the Welfare, Healthcare, & Housing event, hosted by HRV, APC, HarmLess et al.

The reality of our welfare system was both anecdotally and objectively explored (its cyclical, oppressive trends). Lots of challenging realities were discussed, paired with a variety of solutions and action plans.

1) 1.3% of B.C's GDP (2.5billion dollars)is all that is needed to raise everybody above the poverty line
2) Since when has "basic" & "adequate" housing been enough? There was talk about FLOURISHING and SUSTAINABLE housing!!
3) Is inaction due to a value or information gap?
4) We can do this- poverty is not inevitable. Let's mobilize our people!

Let's eliminate "us" & "them"

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

InSite funding continued...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Harm Reduction Victoria

A local advocacy group for Harm Reduction in Victoria

There are many links, and resources that may be of interest:

Fifth Estate: InSite

Harm Less

We are a Camosun College/ UVic collective aimed at being an agency of education for HARM REDUCTION in Victoria and abroad. Our focus is on mobilizing the student body as a core advocacy group for harm reduction. We hope to break down stereotypes and "us" and "them" complexes, as well as educate our campuses about the current state of our needle exchange, housing situation, and health care for marginilized populations in Victoria.

We believe that harm reduction and access to safe housing, needles, pipes, and other paraphernalia is a basic health care provision, and that Victoria is failing in this area, therefore violating a people's right to equal and accesible health care.

This blog will act a medium of communication and discussion about harm reduction, and associated topics. Resources and relevant material will be posted on this web network, inorder to educate and involve Victorian's in their community, and the importance of harm reduction as a health care provision.